Easter Seals Jobs

Job Information

Walmart Senior, Data Scientist - Machine Learning Engineer in Sunnyvale, California

Position Summary...

What you'll do...

At Walmart, we enable the connection between supplier brands and retail shoppers at unprecedented scale. As primary stewards of our brand promise, "Save Money. Live Better," we work alongside some of the most talented people in the world to engage with the more than 150M households who shop with us. This is a unique opportunity to join a high growth business within the largest company in the world. We believe all digital advertising can be targeted and accountable - and we have Walmart's sales data to prove it. Walmart Connect wins when suppliers invest in digital media to drive growth; Walmart and our supplier partners win when your digital expertise helps sell more goods online and offline. Growth in our digital advertising business is key to Walmart's overall growth strategy.

About the role:

The Customer Digital Identity (CDI) organization is enabling the company to better understand who the Walmart customer is. At the same time, we are ensuring streamlined processes, security, scalability, regulatory compliance and best in class customer experience. The CDI team will amplify customer centricity by deepening the company's understanding of customers and their preferences. When we do that, we can serve them when and how they need . This team will work with other teams within the Walmart Membership (W+), Walmart Connect (WMC) and Data Ventures.

The Senior Data Scientist will lead our development efforts on deploying Machine Learning models in production environment, our other research data scientist experiment . This is more an ml production focus role than machine learning experimentation. The ideal c andidate is someone who has good knowledge and background in deployment of machine learning models in production at industrial scale.

This exciting opportunity will join a team of data scientists embedded within the business unit to develop tools that quantify the impact of investment and operational decisions on the Customer, Associate and Shareholder.


Sunnyvale, CA (preferred), San Bruno, CA

You'll sweep us off our feet if...

  • Demonstrable background in ML Model Development involving Classical ML and Deep Learning in various do main .

  • Deep expertise in Machine Learning Development Cycle- development, deployment and Monitoring

  • Strong background of using Model Experimentation ( MLFlow ), Data Versioning (DVC), maintaining CI/CD pipelines via Jenkins, Github A ctions and orchestration pipeline tools (Airflow, Prefe ct ) . Similar tools as above is ok.

  • You are skilled in Python. Scala is optional.

  • You are experienced with modeling, optimization, statistical modeling, Ridge/ Lasso and elastic net regression. Familiar with ML frameworks: Scikit learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch .

  • You are experienced in ETL practices and basic data engineering . SQL experience is required , working experience in SparkSQL or PySpark is needed.

  • You have experience with cloud environments including Azure, Google Cloud, etc.

  • Solid MLOps practices including good design documentation, unit testing, integration testing and source code control (git).

  • Interest in building capabilities in LLMOps especially around LLM depl o yment tooling and Evaluation.

  • You are experienced with agile methodologies using project planning and tracking management tools e.g., JIRA

  • You're naturally curious on how things work and excited by solving challenges at the scale of a Fortune 1 Retailer.

You'll make an impact by...

  • Support the development of the Customer Decision & Segmentation Engine. Pr ovide M L Engineer capabilities to cover the entire customer shopping journey.

  • Identify data collection opportunities to better understand the customer/associate experience. Support the build out of data feature store.

  • Help put models into production and mentor other data scientist in doing so.


  • Masters degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or related field

  • 5+ years MLOps , Machine Learning in Production experience

  • PhD preferred in Computer Science, Information Technology or related field

At Walmart, we offer competitive pay as well as performance-based bonus awards and other great benefits for a happier mind, body, and wallet. Health benefits include medical, vision and dental coverage. Financial benefits include 401(k), stock purchase and company-paid life insurance. Paid time off benefits include PTO (including sick leave), parental leave, family care leave, bereavement, jury duty, and voting. Other benefits include short-term and long-term disability, company discounts, Military Leave Pay, adoption and surrogacy expense reimbursement, and more.

You will also receive PTO and/or PPTO that can be used for vacation, sick leave, holidays, or other purposes. The amount you receive depends on your job classification and length of employment. It will meet or exceed the requirements of paid sick leave laws, where applicable.

For information about PTO, see https://one.walmart.com/notices .

Live Better U is a Walmart-paid education benefit program for full-time and part-time associates in Walmart and Sam's Club facilities. Programs range from high school completion to bachelor's degrees, including English Language Learning and short-form certificates. Tuition, books, and fees are completely paid for by Walmart.

Eligibility requirements apply to some benefits and may depend on your job classification and length of employment. Benefits are subject to change and may be subject to a specific plan or program terms.

For information about benefits and eligibility, see One.Walmart .

The annual salary range for this position is $117,000.00-$234,000.00

Additional compensation includes annual or quarterly performance bonuses.

Additional compensation for certain positions may also include:

  • Stock

Minimum Qualifications...

Outlined below are the required minimum qualifications for this position. If none are listed, there are no minimum qualifications.

Option 1- Bachelor's degree in Statistics, Economics, Analytics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Information Technology, or related field and 3 years' experience in an analytics related field. Option 2- Master's degree in Statistics, Economics, Analytics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Information Technology, or related field and 1 years' experience in an analytics related field. Option 3 - 5 years' experience in an analytics or related field.

Preferred Qualifications...

Outlined below are the optional preferred qualifications for this position. If none are listed, there are no preferred qualifications.

Data science, machine learning, optimization models, Master's degree in Machine Learning, Computer Science, Information Technology, Operations Research, Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Econometrics, Successful completion of one or more assessments in Python, Spark, Scala, or R, Using open source frameworks (for example, scikit learn, tensorflow, torch), We value candidates with a background in creating inclusive digital experiences, demonstrating knowledge in implementing Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 AA standards, assistive technologies, and integrating digital accessibility seamlessly. The ideal candidate would have knowledge of accessibility best practices and join us as we continue to create accessible products and services following Walmart's accessibility standards and guidelines for supporting an inclusive culture.

Primary Location...

640 W California Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086-4828, United States of America

Walmart, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer- By Choice. We believe we are best equipped to help our associates, customers, and the communities we serve live better when we really know them. That means understanding, respecting, and valuing diversity- unique styles, experiences, identities, abilities, ideas and opinions- while being inclusive of all people.
