Easter Seals Jobs

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South Bend Empowerment Zone Special Education Cross Categorial Teacher in South Bend, Indiana

POSITION TITLE: Cross-Categorical Special Education Teacher POSITION SUMMARY: This highly qualified teacher will be responsible for delivering specific course content in a differentiated collaborative model. The teacher must be skilled in classroom management and the implementation of individual behavioral intervention plans. Co-teach with general education teacher and make student specific accommodations. IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR: Principal, Special Education Supervisor Director of Special Education QUALIFICATIONS: State of Indiana Special Education License in Mild Disabilities/Intervention and must be Highly Qualified. DESIRED EXPERIENCE AND/OR TRAINING: History of timely and accurate completion of IEPs. Demonstrated effectiveness in providing differentiated instruction to meet the needs of struggling students. Demonstrated effectiveness in using formative assessments to guide reading instruction. Applicant must not have had a recommendation for Probation Assistance on his/her most recent evaluation. Experience dealing with families and students from a diverse range of economic, social and ethnic backgrounds. Teaching experience with developing and implementing lesson plans, classroom activities, and classroom management. Knowledge of research-based instructional strategies, methodology, and materials for students receiving special education services. Experience in analyzing student’s formative and summative data and differentiating classroom instruction based on assessment data and student needs. Experience collaborating with colleagues to improve instructional practices throughout the school. " />

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Special Education Cross Categorial Teacher

Job Description

Primary Location Jackson Middle School

Salary Range Per Year

Shift Type Full-Time

Job Contact Information

Name Jory Hardman

Title Principal


Email joryhardman@sbcsc.k12.in.us
