Easter Seals Jobs

Job Information

State of Montana Habitat Bureau Chief in Helena, Montana

/THE OUTSIDE IS IN US ALL./ Please remember to attach the required documentsCover Letter and Resumelisted in this announcement.Applications missing the requested documents will be considered incomplete and may not progress further in the process.Documents not requested will not be considered in the recruitment process. The State Application is not a substitute for a Resume.This position closes at 11:59 PM Mountain Time on November 11, 2024. You must apply through the State of Montana Career site. Special Information: Identity of applicants who become finalists may be released to the public if the Department deems it necessary. Employees who exceed 1,040 hours in a calendar year are also provided health, dental and life insurance. Other benefits include retirement, paid vacation, sick and holidays. This position may be covered by a VEBA (Voluntary EmployeeBeneficiaryAssociation). A successful applicant will be subject to a background investigation. Women and minorities are under-represented in this job category and are encouraged to apply. The Habitat Bureau Chief is responsible for implementation of all components of the WildlifeDivision'sHabitatBureau.Thisincludesoverseeingacquisitionofconservationeasementsandfeetitle propertiesaspartoftheHabitatMontanaprogram;management of FWPwildlifemanagementareas;supervision ofsixfull timestaff, someofwhom workremotely; management oflargecapital budget andannual operations budgets; in conjunction with Regions, development and implementation of WMA management plans; prioritizationofWMA capitalprojects(O&M) among regions,andthencoordination ofapproved projectswithidentificationandprioritizationofpriorityhabitatsforconservation;implementationofFWPhabitat conservationprograms including the Upland Game Bird Habitat Enhancement Program, wildlife habitat improvement program, and the Wetland Conservation Program; implementation of outside habitat conservation programs including Forest Legacy, Farm Bill, NAWCA, HCP, and other similar programs; and providing technical guidance on habitat management and conservation within FWP, to other agencies and NGOs, and to private landowners.Implementation of much of the Wildlife Program is done by regional staff not under the direct supervision oftheWildlife Helenastaff,sothepersoninthispositionmustbeabletoclearlyarticulate program goals and objectives and workpersuasively withregional staffto implement programs. Thispositionislocated intheFWPheadquartersinHelena,MT,theQueenCity oftheRockies.Itspendslarge amount of timeinanofficeenvironmentbut does require travel inavehicle over long distancesand invarious weather and road conditions-upto20%ofthetimeisspent in travel status out oftheoffice.The position worksonmultiplehighprofile,oftencontroversial,politically charged,highstressissuesfrequently atthesame time.Many tasks have hard deadlines andquick turn-around times.Much ofthe work isdependent onother staffoverwhichthereisnosupervisory authority,necessitatingexcellentworkingrelationshipswithcolleagues and constituents. JobDuties: Provide leadership and direction for the Wildlife Division's Habitat program and its different components(Habitat Montana, Upland Game Bird Habitat Enhancement Program, Wetland Conservation Program, ForestLegacy, Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program (WHIP), Forestry, Range Management, and Vegetation Monitoring programs).Develop long-term andannual strategic and work plansfortheHabitat Bureau and administer theBureautomeetobjectives ofthoseplans.Supervise 6fulltimestaffwhoimplement different aspects of the Habitat Program. Develop necessary rules, policies, and procedures to implement Habitat Bureauprogramobjectives.ProvidedirectiontoandsupervisionofstafftoensureHabitatBureauobjectives are clear and are being implemented.Manage multiple budgets and funding sources, ensuring budget stipulationsareadheredto,andthatthebudgetsarenotoverexpended.ParticipateontheWildlifeDivision's management team and provide input to ensure Habitat Bureau priorities are continually understood and considered.ServeastheDepartment's leadregardinginteragency programssuchasForestLegacy.Prepare and respond to appropriate legislative initiatives asnecessary. Implement all aspects of the Wildlife Division's Habitat Montana program.This includes periodically updatingtheHabitatMontanaplan,prioritizinghabitatsforconservation,workingwithallavailableprogram funding sources to secure priority habitats through fee title acquisition, conservation easement, and conservation leases, ensuring those values are maintained and managed for through development and implementationofmanagementplans,andcoordinatingoperationsandmaintenanceofacquiredlands.Work withregionsandutilizeavailabletools(e.g.,SWAP)toidentifymostimportanthabitatsforconservation,and coordinateapeer-reviewprocesstoselectwhichlandsarehighestpriorityforconservation. Preparenecessary documents to secure Commission and Land Board approval of proposed projects.Coordinate regularandspecial monitoring ofhabitat ondepartment-ownedlandsandconservation easements andmake recommendations on management responses based on monitoring results. Work withregions toidentify management and maintenance needs for wildlife management areas. At least annually identify and prioritize capital construction projects, allocate funding sources to complete those projects, and work closely with Design and Construction and Regional staff to implement those projects. Meet at least monthly with Design and Construction to review status of capital projects.Continually track completion of capital projects to ensure they are getting completed as planned.Develop and update management plans for each WMA and appropriate conservation easements, and ensure O&M needs are coordinated with and prioritized through those management plans.Develop long-term O&M plans and strategies to help proactively manage predictable O&M projects and activities, and ensure appropriate infrastructure is replaced/maintained at regular intervals. Provide technical assistance and training to staff, public land management agencies (federal and state), corporations, and individuals that are involved with activities that influence or alter wildlife habitat (i.e., mining,grazing,logging,subdivisions,etc.)sothatthehighestpossibleconsiderationforwildlifespeciesand their habitats can be incorporated into land management actions.Provide information to interested parties about methods andtechniques tomanage habitat for specific habitat values.Provide technical expertise on management of important habitats including sagebrush-grasslands,riparian, range and wetlands.Develop expertiseinotheragency habitatprograms (e.g.,NRCS FarmBill,USFWSHabitatConservation Plans)and utilize,orhelpothers(e.g.,staff,landowners)utilizethoseprogramstobenefitMontanawildlifeandpriorityhabitats. _Physical and Environmental Demands:_ This position is based in Helena at the FWP Headquarters. The position serves on the Wildlife Division Management Team and helps provide overall strategic and policy guidance to the Wildlife Division, especially related to habitat management. The person in this position needs to be creative, independent, and able to take strong positions on certain issues. Implementation of much of the Habitat program is done by regional staff not under the direct supervision of the Habitat Section Supervisor, so the person in this position must be able to clearly articulate program goals and objectives, and work persuasively with regional staff to implement programs. _Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: _ Extensive knowledge of theories, principles, and practices of wildlife management and wildlife habitat management. Thorough knowledge of department organization, policy, operation, budget, and fish and game laws is required. Thorough knowledge of standard administrative procedures and practices, state budgeting rules and procedures, and rules and regulations of Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act is required. Working knowledge of environmental review procedures and laws (MEPA/NEPA) is required. Knowledge of strategic and operations planning, and development of comprehensive management systems is required. Ability to work effectively with co-workers and other professional personnel is required. Ability to effectively communicate and listen to the general public, landowners, sportspersons, and conservation and industry organizations and their members is required. Must be able to utilize word processing PCs and various analytical software. _Minimum Qualifications (Education and Experience):_ The knowledge, skills, and abilities of this position are normally attained through combination of education and experience equivalent Master of Science in wildlife biology or related field and at least five years of experience in wildlife management with progressive supervisory responsibility. Other combinations of education and experience will be considered on a case-by-case basis.* Title: *Habitat Bureau Chief Location: Helena Requisition ID: 24142715
