Job Information
NJ Employer farmworker in Chazy, New York
Anticipated period of employment: Apr 15, 2025 to Dec 15, 2025
All applicants must be able, willing, and qualified to perform the work described in this job description and must be available for the entire period of employment specified in this order. This work order is for qualified people to prepare and cook family-style meals for approximately 233 workers in a commissary. Workers will be asked to cook food and plan daily menus; wash dishes, bake breads and pastries; order and shop for food and supplies; store food in designated areas, utilizing knowledge of temperature requirements and food spoilage; and be responsible to maintain and clean the work area, equipment, utensils, dishes, etc. to ensure food is prepared in a sanitary work area. The Cook will also be asked to clean and maintain dining areas, which includes gathering and removing garbage. Beginning and ending times each day as well as the number of hours per day will vary depending on the work schedule of the workers to be fed. Licensed workers may be requested to operate trucks or other multi-purpose farm plated vehicles to transport workers (whether on or off farm) to farm properties, carrying tools, supplies, trees, and or crops. Licensed operators may also be asked to transport workers from place to place around the farm properties during the work day (including on public roads to reach farmers fields). Workers must be able to lift and carry 80 pounds on a frequent basis. Workers must have neat appearance with excellent hygiene and be available to work up to 6 days a week. The workers may be requested but not required to work 12 hours per day and/or the Sabbath depending upon the conditions at the work site, weather and maturity of the crop. Beginning and ending times will vary depending on conditions of the orchard. Workers must be able to take direction in simple English.
Only workers meeting all qualifications on the job order should be referred by the Job Service Office. Interested candidates must contact their local employment office to receive a copy of the job order (ETA 790/790A) and applicable attachments. Once the applicant has a copy of the job contract they may call and/or email the employer to schedule an interview Monday- Friday from 8am to 4pm and referred to NY1523982 as the CO is in connection with this NJ1491250.
See AOSOS comment section before making any referrals.