Easter Seals Jobs

Job Information

CPM Holdings, Inc. Project Materials Coordinator in Blaine, Minnesota

Engineered Solutions is the world leader in oil seed extraction technology, refining plants, and equipment serving global customers from its locations in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Our passion to deliver superior quality, superior-value processing systems and technologies made us a preferred partner to the agricultural industry and beyond.


W it h g e n era l d i r ec ti on, t he Project Materials C oo r d i n a t or i s re spons i b l e f or p r o j e c t execution timelines. Coordinating project purchase requests and supporting engineering project managers to ensure all equipment is ordered on-time and on budget.  Data management for all deliverables during a project lifespan.  Coordinating across the entire supply chain to ensure purchasing, logistics, and engineering meet all project objectives. 


P l a nnin g a n d C oord i n a t i on for G l obal Operations E x ec uti on

  • M a na g e assigned project portfolio with a strategic focus in collaboration across the Operations organization with purchasing, logistics, manufacturing, design engineering, project engineering, quality, and the cross functional management team.

  • Drive execution to major project milestones set forth by engineering project management, including coordination of fabrication and freight delivery.

  • Plan requirements with Project Managers to drive material demand scheduling in SAP.

  • Maintain Project Timelines for all POC orders, to record major milestones required for project execution. To include third party approval drawings, free issue parts delivery, and coordination of various site deliverables.

  • Drive information flow to enable continuous improvement for project cost/budget reporting. 

  • Assist Project Managers with monitoring vendor shipping schedule, delivery dates, and shipping status.

  • Assist with development, improvement, and implementation of work instructions that drive continuous improvement of operations 

  • Support Operations team on tactical tasks as required.


  • D e g r e e i n Eng i n eer i ng, B us i n e ss, Supply Chain or e q u i v a l e nt e xp er i e n ce , w it h p ref e re n c e g i v e n t o i nd i v i du a l s w it h t ec hn i ca l b a c kg r ound.

  • D e m ons t ra t e s p r o fe ss i o n a l i n t e g r it y a nd e t h i c s.

  • Ab l e t o e s t a b li sh a nd m a i n t a i n eff e c ti ve wo r k i ng r e l a ti onsh i ps w it h c o - wo r k er s, c us t o m er s, a nd v e nd o r s.

  • R e spond t o re qu e s t s a nd i nqu i r i e s fr om i n t er n a l a n d e x t er n a l c us t o m e r s

  • M ust be a b l e t o c o mm un i ca t e i n Eng li sh f l u e n tl y. Ab ilit y t o c o mm un i ca t e i n a s ec ond l a ngu a ge i s a b e n e f i t but not re qu i re d.

  • Good w r itt e n a nd v e r b a l c o mm un i ca ti on sk ill s; a b l e t o und er s t a nd a nd f o ll o w o ra l a nd w r itt e n i ns t r u c ti ons; c o mm un i ca t e t ec hn i c a l i n f o r m a ti on c l ear l y a nd c on c i s e l y.

  • Ability to work independently on assigned tasks.

  • Highly adaptable and high learning agility. Strong organizational management skills with experiences managing projects

  • Experience in ERP systems including SAP B1 preferred

  • Knowledge of purchasing methods and procedures.

  • Strong Microsoft office skills.


    CPM Acquisition Corp. is an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status. CPM Acquisition Corp. offers competitive compensation and benefits, including paid holidays and vacations, 401k, medical/dental insurance, tuition assistance, and more.

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