Job Information
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN Director of Compliance Services in Austin, Texas
Develop and manage processes for handling all alleged UIL rule violations from initial intake to final resolution: Develop and oversee processes for intake of UIL rule violation allegations, and tracking the progress of each case. Facilitate communication of information related to new and ongoing cases to all involved UIL staff. Assign tasks to involved UIL staff related to investigations and communications with involved schools, individuals, and the local District Executive Committee (DEC). Oversee the processing and assignment of all Incident Reports. Work with member schools and District Executive Committee chairs to assist with local adjudication of allegations.Assist with District Executive Committee (DEC) and State Executive Committee (SEC) processes: Communicate with DEC chairs to assist in the proper resolution of allegations. Develop and continuously look to improve DEC training modules. Ensure all pertinent information is communicated to the DEC for each case. Supervise the facilitation of State Executive Committee meetings. Oversee processes for notifying and providing SEC members with necessary materials to adjudicate allegations of rules violations, coaches ejections, and student eligibility appeals. Develop and manage processes for notifying all involved individuals about the UIL appeal process, and ensure all pertinent information is provided.Responsible for assisting UIL member schools in understanding and being compliant with UIL rules: Respond to UIL rule-related inquiries from UIL member schools and the public. Represent UIL by providing presentations to various constituency groups related to UIL rules and compliance processes. Develop outreach strategies to school superintendents and other school leaders to increase understanding of UIL rules and processes, and collect feedback for their improvement.Assist with UIL Legislative Council meetings and facilitate the Standing Committee on Policy.Assist with the UIL Reclassification and Realignment.Attend professional meetings and conferences as UIL representative as needed.