Job Information
City Of Alexandria Zoo Director in Alexandria, Louisiana
[[Annual Salary Range: **[$64,488.22 - $96,754.01[Grade: 34 (Employee: 7% on your current salary, whichever is greater; or 10.5% on your current salary, whichever is greater, if position is 3 grades or higher than current position) Appointment to a position in the classified service shall be at the minimum of the corresponding pay range unless otherwise approved.
[[Examination is announced to establish an employment list to fill vacancies in the Zoo Department and future vacancies as they occur to[ plan, organize, supervise and direct activities at the zoo, overseeing all aspects regarding the animals, zoo facilities, employees, volunteers and the visiting public. [Plans, organizes, and oversees all new developments of the zoo. [Develops capital and operating budgets. Ensures that zoo operations are in compliance with state and federal wildlife regulations: deals directly with wildlife agencies such as U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and LA Dept of Wildlife and Fisheries, and other governmental agencies including the USDA; ensures that proper permits and operational licenses are in obtained. Formulates policies and procedures regarding the development of animal management practices. Attends conferences and meetings to stay informed of all laws and regulations; maintains zoo standards that will ensure Association of Zoos and Aquariums accreditation. Oversees all Species Survival Plan programs at the zoo; handles the acquisition and disposition of animals plus development of the zoo collection. Oversees the development of educational programs. Promotes good public relations. Serves as a liaison between the City of Alexandria and The Friend of The Alexandria Zoo for implementation of the Cooperative Endeavor; supervises the MOU between the City and FOTAZ; represents the zoo on various committees and registries; promotes the zoo as it relates to tourism and economic development; appears on TV and radio, and speaks to civic organizations. [**[Minimum Applicant Qualifications: [[ [Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in Zoology or related field; supplemented by five (5) years of progressively responsible management experience in zoological programming and operations or related field; or any equivalent combination of education, training and experience which provides the requisite knowledge, skills and supervisory abilities for this job. [[ Must possess a valid driver's license. [[ Will be required to obtain a valid State of Louisiana Class D driver's license within 60 days and maintain throughout employment for this classification.
[**[Work Hours: [Monday - Friday, may work weekends and holidays
[[Kind of Examination [[This examination may consist of a written test, a rating of training and experience, a performance test or any combination thereof deemed necessary to adequately screen and rank applicants. **Examination notices will be sent out via email with a testing date, time, and location. Applicants must supply complete and accurate information concerning their previous training and experience including a detailed description of their work experience, the names and addresses of all previous employers and the dates of employment. The information is subject to verification. ]{century="" gothic=""}]{ms="" trebuchet=""}]{century="" gothic=""}]{ms="" trebuchet=""}]{century="" gothic=""}]{century="" gothic=""}]{ms="" trebuchet=""}]{century="" gothic=""}]{new="" roman="" times=""}]{century="" gothic=""}]{new="" roman="" times=""}]{century="" gothic=""}]{century="" gothic=""}]{new="" roman="" times=""}]{century="" gothic=""}]{new="" roman="" times=""}]{century="" gothic=""}]{century="" gothic=""}]{century="" gothic=""}]{century="" gothic=""}]{new="" roman="" times=""}]{century="" gothic=""}]{century="" gothic=""}]{century="" gothic=""}]{new="" roman="" times=""}